Friday, November 21, 2008

Facing Failure John 18:27 Luke 22:61-62

Sermon nuggets Fri Nov 21

Theme – Failure

Verses John 18:27 “Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.”
Luke 22:61-62 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times."
And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Facing Jesus
Jesus predicted that before the rooster crowed Peter would deny the Lord three times. When Peter failed he was faced with his own sin, pride and weakness. Any failure that will be properly handled has to be faced. We will only rise again when we admit that we are in need and must change. When we have sinned we cannot deny it, but must realize we have been the ones who are in need of forgiveness. Peter wept bitterly, implying not just his disappointment but his remorse. Peter’s pride kept getting in the way of his discipleship. If you would master temptation then let Christ master you. The Lord has His ways of humbling us. It may be different for different people.

How one gets up after they have fallen is also by the grace of God. But what change has happened? The one who faces the facts is not as arrogant in the future.He better understands the failings and weaknesses of the other. He realizes the words of Christ, “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” He is the one that remembers when trouble hits someone else, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

For the alcoholic to recover he must face that fact and say, “ I am an alcoholic.” He must face his problem, and come to the point realizing he is unable to control one’s own life. He needs help.

We all need to come to pray, “Lord have mercy on me, a sinner. I cannot do it any longer.” There are barriers of sin, selfishness and pride that need to be removed in order for life in Christ to continue to mature with success. Peter was never the same again. Now he was useable in a manner that was better than before. He used his failure to rebuild his relationship with Christ and trust Him even more. He was no longer a secret believer.

Do others know you are a disciple of Jesus? It should show to your family, to your friends, at work and in school.

Dennis Miller explained that it was the house rule when his son was small he had to call home when he arrived at a friend’s house. When he forgot once, Dennis told him the next time he’d have to come home. Of course it happened again. Dad was going to going to call again and make him return home. Then it seemed as if the Lord said, “Treat him like I treat you.” He gave him a little more time. Shortly, his son called telling him he had arrived. How often do we think of God as one who waits to punish us when we phone home?

When Peter faced Jesus and faced himself he saw differently than before. The next fire he stood next to recorded in the Bible was made by Jesus when he was cooking fish for the disciples out in the boat. Following the resurrection and the reconciliation before Jesus ascension at one point the disciples went fishing. This figure called to them from the shore and Peter recognized it was the Lord after they were to told to put their nets on the other side of the boat and a great haul of fish were caught. Peter swam to shore to be with the one who loved and forgave him. That is the love the father has for his children. Peter was asked “Do you love me? “then feed my Sheep” Tend my lambs.”

Peter did rise again. God can and does restore you just as he restored Peter and used him mightily to witness to His name. He does that to us too.

Pastor Dale