Sermon NuggetsMon. August 1, - ASK, SEEK, KNOCK
Verses Matt 7:7-12
7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9 "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Ask, Seek, and Knock
This week many in our nation are praying for our leaders and our country as decisions and lack of them may affect the economy of the world. We also know by prophecy there will be economic meltdown in our world before the coming of Christ. Is this the time? Letting God know our concerns thoughts and praises is all part of prayer. Of course, many Christians in our nation pray every day. Proverbs 14:34 "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people."
We would do well as a nation to seek the wisdom and will of God and interceded for our president. Of course we would do well as a church to pray that same prayer, seeking the will of the Lord. Certainly His will is also what we desire in our personal lives to be blessed through eternity.
When Jesus speaking what we have called this sermon on the Mount he had already addressed the issue of prayer and called his followers to a heart felt conversation with God not based on repetitious babbling or pretence to be seen by others. He wanted a personal, private, intimate time with each one of us. That makes a significant difference.
But it isn’t long in the Christian walk when people start wondering,
‘Why aren’t my prayers answered?” I already talked about the style and form of prayer as we reviewed the Lord’s prayer, but this addresses some significant presuppositions on prayer.
There was a movie made from a book entitled, on Gods and Generals. It captured the theme of faith of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Andrew Jackson. Each were praying and seeking the will of God while fighting in a war they felt was right before God. It is so easy to make the enemy all bad and ourselves all good, but what do you do with people who are praying for their side to win out of faith and some type of commitment to God. For the leaders of the south it seemed (at least according to the book) that the issue was more freedom than slavery.
I remember questioning in High School what happens if I pray for my football team asking God to make them win, and someone else is praying the same thing for the opposing team. Certainly that happens in things more significant than football games. It is common in war, each praying to God for victory. How about when a farmer prays for rain and another church person prays that it will not rain for they are planning a picnic that day.
Too often prayers tell more about the one praying than the One to whom we pray. Jesus is giving another lesson on prayer. You’ll remember that in 6th chapter Jesus criticizes the attitude of praying to impress other people. He taught it was to be personal conversation with our creator in a private manner. We are to give God praise, and seek wisdom, make Biblical requests, seek forgiveness, seek his protection and we are to act on our own prayers in righteousness obedience and openness. So we have already talked a great deal about proper and improper praying, and incidentally there are many other passages that further guide us in Scriptures. It’s hard to build a particular theology around any one passage alone. It must be looked at in connection with other teachings.
Jesus was talking to his followers, to those who are kingdom people and who they are to live and act under the Lordship of Jesus. In the context of this passage we already have learned not to be concerned with the things of this world compared to things that matter for the
In James we are corrected when he writes We have not because we ask not, or we ask wrongly seeking to fulfill our own lusts. Americans seem to be the very best in selfish egocentric praying. Gemme, gemme, gemme is much more prevalent than ask, seek, and knock. Don’t be so fast to judge others, come clean before God in repentance and seeking personal forgiveness. Do you really want God’s will and guidance in your life?
Then Ask, Seek and Knock and it will be answered. Lets look at Jesus’s lessons on prayer from that perspective.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Aug 2
Verses- Matt 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Consider the Privilege of Prayer
Jesus warned not to be hypocritical in prayer, but real and open in communication what is on your heart and mind. Ask, and Seek and Knock he says, and it will be done. Jesus wants us to go before God confidently and boldly as his child comes before his or her parent. For it is a tremendous privilege that is granted to the righteous.
James 5:16 says, “The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. “ The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Now that already presupposes the knowledge of God’s will and seeking first His Kingdom, not ours. We have a tremendous power that is most often untapped. We have not because we ask not. John 14:13 And whatever you ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If we as anything in my name I will do it.”
Pam Broughton related a story in a Christian magazine. She was a pastor’s wife having ugly unadorned walls, after 3 years she decided to pray since she had little money to change things. Her son ,Randy, that prayed, “Dear God, could you please also get me a warm-up suit before we go on vacation.”
She said, “Now Addison, you know that sometimes God says, “no “ to our prayers.” Oh sure, Mom, be He knows I really want a warm-up suit. Night.”
She wondered if God was concerned about warm-up suits and wall paper. Sure He cares about life’s big problems like food shelter, spiritual health, world evangelism, but is He too busy to be bothered with selfish wants? Some treat God like Aladdin’s lamp. If you use the right formula in God’s name , then rub it and just right He is required to obey our wants and wishes.
Friends that is heresy and we hear it all the time! Never is God our magical genie. Never is He our servant. But He loves us and has given to us a marvelous privilege. We have the privilege of making our requests known to him and asking seeking and knocking.
Mrs. Broughton wanted to teach
As she was doing laundry there was a gurgling noise in the water and soap suds were pouring out from the bathroom door. She called the plumber who told them they would have to leave, it was a big job.
Friends of theirs asked to have them come over and when they came through the door, she said, “Addison, I just remembered I keep forgetting to give you this warm-up suit. I hope you like it. We’ve had this suit for months and bought it for our son without having him try it on and He only wore it once before it was too small.”
Their mouths dropped open. Why would she think of it now after months? They praised and honored God for his favor to them. When they returned home the insurance company called about the plumbing disaster. “I am afraid Mr. Broughton, you’ll have to pay the $100 deductible plus the cost of the plumbing repair. Your insurance policy will only repair the damage resulted from the water. Now, what kind of wall paper do you want in the living room and hall? She cried. This was just topping on the pudding that God answered when we seek him and it was a privilege that he granted to his children.
If you want to live God’s will and be the people of the Kingdom you can with assurance- Ask, seek, and knock and God will answer. The more self confidence you have the less you pray. The less self-confidence you have the more you have to pray. Prayer isn’t anything, but humbly desire to see God glorified. And as a child confidence in his love make your requests known to Him and trust Him. Then wait and watch what happens. It seems God loves to surprise us often in ways we do not expect. It is a privilege he grants to his children.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Aug 3
Verses- Matt 7: 7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Consider the Persistence in Prayers
My temptation in dealing with prayer is try to address all the theology behind unanswered prayers. The emphasis on this passage is on persistence on the part of the one who prays. The Greek verb tense give emphasis on continual action on asking, seeking and knocking. It might be paraphrased, “Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. That isn’t past tense, but imperfect, which clearly implies persistence in one’s prayers. When you think of the progression of thought there is also persistence in how the requests are presented.
We do not have to go to lengths to get God’s attention. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. But we might need to do some evaluation on our part to be in God’s will and place where He can speak to us. Does God seem close? If not, who moved?
When it comes to prayer ask what you will. If it isn’t answered then keep on asking. If the request isn’t answered, then we must seek. For me seeking includes searching more of the Bible and more in my life. It involves more thought regarding my motives, God’s will in my life, sin, and patience.
Unfortunately some will use unanswered prayers to judge God. I think of the illustration of electricity. We have all the power possible that we need in a plug for our common appliances. If we plug in the lamp and turn on the switch-nothing happens what do we do? Do we go around and rant and rave and tell people there is no such thing as electricity. That doesn’t prove anything of the sort. In most situations what it means is that we need to persist in trying it again and see if we can find the cause of the problem. Maybe it is circuit breaker, maybe the plug not working, or burned out light bulb, or faulty wiring. In the spiritual life if I am not living in obedience with God and His word I need some re-evaluation. I am not talking about works based negotiations. For I do not deserve any of my prayers to be answered. Anything I receive is by grace. But it can b an important step to change in my spiritual life or understanding in my faith walk.
Seek and keep on seeking implies for me not only a re-evaluation of my motives and desires, but a deeper study into the Word of God. This often brings me to discover things about God or His truths, or faith that I might have missed if I was not motivated to do some deeper pondering.
Knocking implies not just words, but speaks more of my inner desire for answers or needs met. Knocking implies a strong desire to being in the presence of God. It highlights the importance of something in prayer. It is not demanding our rights as it is to re-evaluate my priorities. So many times we quit praying much too early. We don’t have the inkling of the spiritual battle that is going on around us. We forget there is an adversary that is trying to break the relationship with God. We forget how impatient we are.
Missionary Ed Murphy did not come from a Christian home. Someone witnessed to him on the conviction of sin and need of a savior brought him to place his trust and faith in the works of Jesus Christ on the cross. As he finished High School he believed God was calling him to missions. His Mother was outraged that he would not stay in the denomination of the family tradition.
As he entered a Christian college to prepare for missions He prayed that God would met his needs financially. His mother would not support him or his studies. He prayed again and no money came in. He had a job, but not enough to pay for tuition which had to be paid by the examination time. It turned out that with all his asking, seeking and knocking he finally used his last resource. He called his mother. She wrote back with a note saying that if His God was so powerful and good then he didn’t need his mothers’ help. She would be in
He was discouraged when the day of the exams came he checked his P.O. and nothing was there. He went back to the room packed his bags and started to leave when the Dean of the School called him into his office. The statement shows you have $40 credit. When he looked into it he realized that morning anonymous gift was paid toward his bill. Just in time for the exam. When he visited his mother she asked him if he was now done with his faith. He told her what happened she turned and left. Two years later she called and wanted to know God in this personal way and accepted Jesus. There was more important things on Gods’ game plan than just immediately provide finances for school. He used that delay to draw attention to His glory and others who helped in ways unknown to Ed.
I should also add there are some who have dropped out of school for lack of funds even after fervent praying as it was not Gods’ will they continue in that avenue of study. Or a test of faith revealed a heart more attracted to their wants than their relationship with a living God.
I don’t know why God sometimes waits until the last. I don’t know why sometimes the prayers are not answered in the way we want them to be, but in Murphy’s case the asking and seeking and knocking was within God will and ultimately brought about the change in his mother, and humble dependency of himself on God. You see prayer isn’t just to get answers; it is to grow our faith and glorify God.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Aug 4
Verses- Matt 7: 9 "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Consider the Provisions from Prayer
God loves his children. If evil parents know how to give good gifts what about God who is much better than evil parents? Will not his gifts also be something he wants us to have because of his greater love and understanding? We are limited in understanding. When we make decisions we do not know all the ramification of those decisions. We cannot see into the future. Many times you and I can say, “If I had it to do over again, I would do things differently.” We say that with child rearing too. But God does know what we don’t and foresees things we cannot. Trust and faith admits that after we put ourselves in his hands He knows best what is good for us. I will accept that.
He who spared not his own son on the cross, will he not also give us all things? That verse is in the context of Christian suffering. The provisions include our material needs, but more importantly our spiritual needs that will never die, be lost or fade away. If a child asks for something wholesome he will receive it, not something unwholesome like a rock, or even harmful like a snake. What we receive from God will be for our best good. Luke 11:13 it is translated how much more will God give his Holy Spirit to him who asks. In that context Jesus isn’t talking about material blessing but spiritual blessing forgiveness, deliverance, from evil, peace, increases of faith, hope, love, cleansing, and most of all, that we might received Himself and His fullness. That greatest gifts anyone can ever gift is a gift of Himself. At marriage the greatest gift of commitment is that of a man to a woman and a woman to a man for their remaining life on earth. I was impressed at marriage of receiving and giving not rings but ourselves, another human being. What better gift is there than God?
There is a song “If I could wish you anything I would wish you Jesus. For all other things fade and pass away, Jesus remains and with Jesus you have everything.” If a child were to ask for a stone or a snake a good father would not give that child what would be damaging for him. Not everyone would receive the same things. Any other more mature child may get a rifle for his enjoyment, a younger immature boy would not be considered because it could be a deadly weapon in his hands. Another a car is not a toy. Many gifts we desire we are not spiritually mature to handle and a good Father will not honor that requested. We may be hurt spiritually, or others may be damaged in some way unperceived by us. Or the reverse, we may be blessed in a different way that we can imagine, or indeed another may be blessed or some how God is carrying out something for his will and glory.
Some people may have been given the gifts of wealth, that is different than saying some people are wealthy. Some know that handling of wealth and being a steward is for the Lord. I can handle so much, but if I received much more that is beyond my spiritual health right now, I’d squander, waste and dishonor the Lord if he gave me wealth. So I’m content with what God thinks he wants to provide.
Pastor Dale
Verse Matt 7: 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Consider the Product from Prayer
This is the golden rule. You’ve heard it from childhood, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
I wondered how that fit this passage on prayer. I think it is because the product of prayer is our changed life. When we meet with God in prayer we seek the good of others. Prayer isn’t getting man’s will done in heaven, it is getting God’s will done on earth and through our life as a witness and doing good to others. Prayer involves responsibility and that is a life of love.
Others state this from the negative view. Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to yourself. But that teaches us to refrain from doing evil. Jesus command is more than that. It is to do good. A hermit and recluse can follow the negative command of not doing evil to another, but we must be involved with people to follow what is the product of a prayer life. We should treat our fellow man not as the law allows, but as love demands- to forgive, to praise, to understand, to listen to help. Only through God’s spirit, can that ever be accomplished. I must go out of my way in kindness toward others as I would wish them to be toward me.
Notice, there was no involvement with the father when the prodigal Son wanted his inheritance. He wanted his money now, not when dad died. He left and squandered it on riotous living. A renewed relationship came with the prayer, “Father make me thy servant for I am no more worthy to be called your son.” It wasn’t in getting but in giving he found blessing. Therein he was found, then he was the product of prayer and God’s desire for all of us.
The product or results of spending time with God gives glory to God through men and women to present to a world the purpose and meaning found in being a member of God’s kingdom. It affects our attitudes, our priority, our hearts, and our souls. How can that happen? Through prayer that asks, seeks and knocks for God’s best and if that is your persistent prayer, be assured it will be answered. That’s mature Christ minded praying.
Pastor Dale