Friday, August 12, 2011

The Narrow Way Matt 7:13-23

Sermon Nuggets Mon Aug 8 The Narrow Way

Verses Matt 7:13-23

13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

The Narrow Way

In High School I studied Robert Frost’s poem “A Road Not Traveled” It wrote:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood. And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay, In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference

We talked and studied the poem in English class referring, of course, to more than a walk in the wood But as poems are mean to discuss life. Some choose paths that the crowds do not choose. It makes a difference. In fact, to follow the crowd in most cases generally proves disappointing. Yet, we are all deeply affected by other people and what they think of us.

The Lord taught about the broad and narrow gates. The narrow gate being the road less traveled and the broad gate being the way of most people go and it makes all the difference.

When we discuss as important an issue as where you will spend eternity it is important to know what Jesus says.

Recently I heard some preacher talk about salvation by death. What meant was that more often than not he would hear everyone was going to heaven. Every funeral he went do assured the grieving that their loved one awaits them in heaven and has gone to a better place. The criteria for heaven was just to die. This is a far different teaching that what we will look at this week.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Tues Aug 9

Verses- Matt 7: 13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.

Salvation is for the Few

Christ followers are in the minority. Most of the people you go to school with and you work with and who live around you are spiritually lost and going to Hell. Because of that, many will look down on those who take Christ seriously.

When I was in public school I was better prepared for teasing because I was expecting it since I held different values than most of my school friends. I've been made fun of for going to church, for not drinking, for smoking, and partying, for not having sex and being a virgin. I've been teased for doing what I believed honored the Lord.

If you are saved you will be made fun of or disliked by some people. Count on it. I have letters in my file this year from people angry with me because of Christian principles and opinions that I do not keep to myself. People want to mold you in their thinking; Jesus wants to mold you in His thinking. You will have to make a decision who you are going to please. The broad road is easy the narrow one is hard.

I remember the shock I had when I was 9 and 10 years old and went to Christian camp. I was far from perfect, and still am far from perfect, but I knew the difference between right and wrong. I knew that I failed many times, but I also know a number of other boys in Jr. Boys Camp who went to my church and were active in youth clubs. When they stole, swore, lied, bullied others around, when they acted one way in front of the minister and counselor and rebellious when they were not around they didn't even try to live up to what Jesus taught. It was a good lesson for me in Jr. Boys' camp, because I found that same things to be true in all of the rest of my life. There are many who say they are Christians but do not act like it. Some give great testimonies but away from church act completely different. Not just falling in to sin, but living it boldly and openly. Church attendance, Baptism, communion, confirmation and coming forward at camp to pray a sinner’s prayer does not save anyone.

Jesus taught there are two gates a narrow gate and a broad one. There are two roads, a narrow road and a broad one. There are two groups of people, a large crowd and the few in number. Which shall it be for you?

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Weds Aug 9

Verses- Matt 7: 13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Salvation is for the Faithful

Jesus said, “I am the door, if any man enter by me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” Jn. 14 "I am the way the truth and the life, no many cometh unto the Father but by me.” There is no salvation apart from trusting in Jesus Christ for your salvation. Jesus said “I came to seek and save that which is lost.” All of us are sinners. We are all lost. We are unholy and yet the love of God sent His only Son to die for the penalty of your sin and provide the way to know God. However there are only a few that by faith enter through the narrow gate to received Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Most do not.

According to National and International Religion Report said, "Fewer than 10% of Americans are deeply committed Christians. These people are a breed apart. They are more tolerant of people of diverse background. They are more involved in charitable activities. They are more involved in practical Christianity. They are absolutely committed to prayer... Also they are far, far happier than the rest of the population."

He continued to report, that most Americans who profess Christianity don't know the basic teaching of the faith and they don't act significantly different from non-Christians in their daily lives. He added, the Sunday school and religious-education system in this country is not working." Not being grounded in the faith these professing believers are open for anything that comes along. The churched are just as likely as the unchurched to engage in unethical behavior. Studies also show a growing percentage of Christians who say they can sustain their faith without attending church.

You get the impression that just about everyone is going to heaven because he is really a nice fellow, or great to his kids, or never cheated in his business dealings. In fact, I have hardly met anyone who doesn't think they will eventually make it to heaven, regardless of their life. Some believe souls will suffer for a period of time to pay for sin and then go to heaven. There are many false teachings that are promoted at a rapid rate through internet, and popular media, through songs, and books, and the New Age movement and Emergent church movement for growth. Universalism is gaining ground and the elimination of hell as recently popularized by Rob Bell is creeping into evangelical circles. There are teachers who conclude, “How can a loving God send anyone to Hell? Since Jesus died for the sins of the world then the whole world will be saved.

Increasingly people believe portions of the Bibl and grossly ignore other portions. When I and others around me raised up verses from the Bible that contradicted that view he responded, "Well, you can't believe the whole Bible you know." How can a loving God send anyone to Hell. Well, apparently Jesus was a liar, or as he would say, they people that wrote the Bible did not get it straight. If you don't like what it says, then pick and choose what you like and throw out the rest. That's the ticket, lets make our own religion and believe what we want

Many who knew Jesus rejected him. The crowd wanted to praise and honor Jesus with palm branches because faith in Jesus brought food, and health and love and affirmation for the poor, and hope for a better life, but when Jesus taught about commitment of salvation, people were forced to look at Him and his righteousness and rather than follow the one they wanted him to be, he called them to suffer for their faith and only a few responded. He was slaughtered and suffered because of our sins. He was the sacrifice taking our place on the cross. Those who do not put their faith in Jesus will go to Hell.

Some like to look at Jesus full of love and ignore his teaching on Hell. Jesus taught more about the reality of hell than any of the other portions of the Bible. Hell is eternal punishment and suffering apart from God's presence eternally. We are all Hell bound until we go through the narrow gate and trust in Christ, crying out to him for forgiveness and salvation.

Most people would never want to be rejected by friends, or laughed at for being religious, or give up activities they think make them acceptable. Most like popular religion so we must present it in a way as to not offend anyone. Only a few will ever enter the kingdom of heaven, all the rest will be in Hell.

Due to finding teachers who appeal to the people, most want to accept Jesus on their terms and not his. Most want to be popular and be accepted by others more than by God. Until we are willing to denounce ourselves we can never enter the narrow gate. The road to greatness is never easy it is always a lot of difficulty.

There are only two roads the broad road requires no discipline, no do's and don'ts everyone can go there regardless their views. It is not hard, it is easy. It is not lonely. It offers fun, pleasure, sensuality. But it leads to destruction. Sin always does. Men can chose to violate the laws of God but it has a consequence. It leads. When you crash there is no one to pick you up.

We cannot change the message in order to please our own egos and think we get more people saved under our ministry than some other preacher. If a person needs to be pressured into making a decision for

Christ he'll probably change his mind later. If we can talk you into it, then someone can talk you out of it. We want to see people saved so we adapt the message to get a commitment but that is not what Jesus does. If you are wiling to give up all you have and all you are and turn it over to Jesus then you follow Him. That is the narrow path and only a few find it. Only a few want to. Only a few understand.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Thurs Aug 11

Verses- Matt 7: 15-20 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Salvation Results in Fruit

Jesus warns against false prophets that will try to pervert the faith. People can appear harmless and sound like Christians, but in fact are dangerous twisting important doctrine and teaching salvation other than by faith in Christ. Cults of all kinds come quickly to mind. Many live very strict lives and some of the nicest people you'll ever want to know. Some cults show more love and acceptance of others than lots of Christian churches. Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Christian Science has been around for a long time. Other false teachers can be in traditional churches or new churches which emphasize salvation by works, or signs instead of faith.

Jesus uses the illustration of fruit trees. If you see a tree full of rich, ripe apples you know it is a good tree. Good trees produce fruit, Bad tress produce no fruit, or bad fruit. By their fruits ye shall know them. The key to fruit-bearing is our relationship with Jesus Christ and letting His Spirit have his way in our lives. When you don't see any spiritual growth something is wrong. Sometimes the tree is immature. Transplanting a tree may take three years before it bears fruit. It needs consistent watering, feeding and care. Those who are young in the faith usually don't display all the attitudes and actions of mature believers, nor can you expect them to.

Sometimes a tree doesn't produce fruit because it is malnourished. Poor soil and dry weather can destroy a tree's fruit. Christians who are deprived of regular nourishment soon lose their commitment to Christ. Prayer, Scripture, and church involvement are essential to growth.

But you will never find an elm tree producing produce. From a distance you may not be able to identify a tree, but with closer examination you may not have a fruit tree. A person may look like a Christian, talk like a Christ, and act like a Christian, that can be all outside appearances.

The false prophet is concerned for himself cares for self more than Jesus or the flock or others. The bad fruit is seen in gluttony and greedy, looking for personal gain, teaching for profit and what he can get out of it rather than what he can put into it.

I am always suspicious of people that are getting rich out of the ministry. Now that isn't the same thing as rich people or rich ministers if they are also good business men and investors with the money God has given them. But if money is central in their minds and they are getting wealthy because of marketing their ministry skills beware, something is wrong. If a person is building a following of people around himself instead of Jesus and the Bible is only used as a spring board to declare his own doctrine, beware. When people start claiming they have some religious revelations and visions from God revealing added truth, or corrective truth, then something is not right. If a preacher is the only one who is right and discourages you from studying yourself in the Bible then you have a problem.

Galatians 5 speaks of the fruit of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit. Something is wrong if we are not fruitful. I John says it, "If we walk in darkness and say that we are in the light we lie and the truth is not in us." Fruit of the spirit is the realization that we were created not to be blessed by God, but to bless Him and serve Him according to the strength from the wisdom and power he has given to us.

Having salvation produces fruit. No branch can bear fruit by itself Jesus told His disciples a branch must remain in the vine. “Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (Jn. 15:4,5) You see the point isn't so much on the fact that we are producing fruit as it is that we are building a growing healthy relationship with God who bears the fruit in us.

Pastor Dale

Sermon Nuggets Fri Aug 12

Verses- Matt 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'

23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

Salvation Results in Followers

The follower of Jesus takes his commitment to Christ seriously. He and she desires to please the Lord. Few there are that will enter the gate. When one does it results in changed a life and perspective. If not then one must question if a person was saved.

We know we are not saved by works, yet there will be works in the life of a Christian. Many think they are saved by their works. This is certainly not so. To call on the Lord is to recognize the commitment to follow and obey. And when we have that desire we are surprised when Jesus calls us friends, for that is what we become. Not on an equal footing, but in a relationship that is loving and more intimate.

I know preachers, and teachers that do not know the Lord, although they knew all about him. Some are very intellectual, some are very emotions. Some never miss church on Sunday and give more than their tithe. Some are kind to people and serve the poor and fight injustice but they have not given their hearts to Christ. It is a good self made religion. True faith centers on the works of Christ, trusting him resulting in the desire to give up sin and the desire to obey him.

The Scriptures go so far as to indicate even bold claims or miraculous deeds do not guarantee they are true servants of the Lord. When the evidence of questionable shows they are greedy wolves feeding on the flock of God. We should be discerning enough to recognize them for what they are, false teachers. The garbage speaks for itself. Doing religious deeds is not the same as following Jesus as Lord.

For Jesus obedience was motivation enough to come from glory to serve mankind. It was motivation enough to be obedient to his father to suffer the cross and sacrifice His life. Obedience is expression of relationship to the Lord regardless of what others demand, ask, or do. People can walk down at alter calls, turn in many pledge cards, be baptized and preach sermons, be missionaries, study in Christian school be a S.S. teacher and church officers, and even perform spiritual miracles of healing and exorcism, but without being true followers. The problem with the presentation of the gospel in our culture is a Me centered selfishness. One is encouraged to accept Christ you will get joy, accept the Lord and you will have peace, without realizing it we need to plead that instead of judgment God gives us grace to save us from condemnation. Then repentance occurs.

Keith Green, who was untimely killed in a plane accident, made a strong but startling statement. "Jesus never had a follow up program. He never had an alter call, he never pressured people into making decisions for Him. It was Jesus habit of letting people follow him. If they want life then they will have to give up that which keeps them from obedience and follow. We preach a man made gospel we get people to come forward to the altar by bringing forced pressures that has nothing to do with God. We lead them in a prayer, then they are not yet convinced what they need to say, and then to top it off, we give them counseling telling them it is a sin to doubt their salvation."

It is a narrow gate. It is for those who love the Lord to the point of being serious about following Him- and then letting Him lead.

Pastor Dale