Sermon Nuggets Mon Oct 17 Relationships Titus 2:1-10
Titus 2:1-10
1 You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.
2 Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.
4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children,5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,10 and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
Teaching Relationship Responsibilities
"The greatest miracle that God can do today," observed evangelist Leonard Ravenhill, "is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world and make him holy, and then put him back in that unholy world and keep him there." The reason the disciples displayed great influence is that their lives were transformed by Jesus Christ and they were living in the power of the Holy Spirit.
What difference does it make that you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? We certainly understand that difference when we die, or when Christ returns. But does it make a difference Monday through Saturday?
On the island of Crete Paul when preached many came to Christ. They lived in a very ungodly culture. They hadn't the slightest idea what it meant to belong to God. But after one comes to know the Lord in a personal way Titus was instructed to disciple people in the fellowship of believers in the Church of Jesus Christ. God wants to call a people unto himself to show the world that we know God. Now that we are God's, show it.
Last week we talked about false teachers and concerns of identifying them as we evaluate their character, the content of their teaching, the consequence of their ministries and how they take correction. Hank Hanegraff said, "False teachers invite people to come to the Master's table because of what's on it, not because they love the Master." I thought that was insightful. If we look at what God provides and fail to come to Jesus the provider we have not found faith. Many followers of Jesus left when he stopped giving out food, and doing miraculous signs that they wanted to see. To come and follow me" is just as much of the call as "come unto me all ye who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Do you love God for what he provides, or for who He is? Far too many people turn to Jesus in trouble and leave him alone when everything is going fine in their life. That is not a disciple of Jesus Christ. One in peaceful relationship knowing who they are in Jesus and aware that Jesus dwells within finds strength throughout.
Now in Chapter 2 Paul instructs Titus about instructing others how they should live in relationships with one another. It begins with family and reaches to our work and tasks of responsibility with others. .
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues Oct 18 Teaching Content
Verses- Titus 2:1 You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.
Teaching Content
Since what we believe is important in spiritual leaders so is it important to guide us in our relationships in the home. What we believe effects what we do. As Christians there is foundation that makes us who we are and it begins in our beliefs.
Paul teaches Titus to teach sound doctrine. Sound doctrine always leads to obedience and submission to God’s authority. There is a way to live and a way not to live as Christian. Nowhere is it taught to live however you wish. That is not real faith it is a false faith.
Notice that we’re not just to go over rote doctrine but are to share what is in “accord,” or that which is “fitting for” sound doctrine. Specifically, this refers to character qualities that are built upon the bedrock of belief. If we want to be spiritually healthy, and desire others to be as well, we must talk truth and dialog about doctrine in practical ways that can be fleshed out in daily life. Someone put it this way: “Sound doctrine is the basis for sound character and sound character is proof of sound doctrine.”
There was a study by sociologist John P. Bartkowski and a team of researchers at Mississippi State University. They examined data from the nationwide Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, which evaluated first-graders by interviewing parents and teachers. The results were quite clear the religious attendance impacts children positively.
The message of a new study that says young children of church-going parents fare better behaviorally, emotionally and cognitively than do children of parents who never attend church. In fact, the more often the parents attend, the better off the kids are.
The study says. “The religious attendance of parents and a cohesive religious environment in the home yields significant benefits for children’s behavioral, emotional, and cognitive development, and such outcomes are most pronounced when both partners attend services frequently.
This by necessity means to know the main beliefs of the Christian faith. It is not just the minister who is to be a student of the Bible.
You might hear more today about having a Christian World View. That mean the Bible is the teaching that direct our thoughts and how we are to live. So much of the opinions of the world is being accepted even among Christians. What is politically correct is taught in many schools even though it go against the Bible. Evolution has long been the guide for believing man is the center of what we make ourselves and concept of creation by an all powerful God is suspect if not flatly rejected. Life is taught by secularists to be a matter of choice not a gift from above. How we treat others is motivated by profit or personal benefit, not because it reflects the character of Jesus.
The passage continues to examine how we life based on what we believe for older men and women, younger men and women, and between slaves and masters.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Oct 19 Conduct
Verses- Titus 2: 2 Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.
Teaching Conduct
I am bothered by the various reports that the Christian’s lifestyle is no different than that the lifestyle of non Christians. There is a difference in what they say they believe, but it doesn’t have much affect on how they live. The constant temptation is to fit in with the world instead of being an example to the world and living to the glory of Jesus.
The knowledge should be mixed with abundance of love for Jesus and love for the lost. Christ-like leaders are important, but Christ like congregations are essential.
Who is teaching the younger Christians today? Who is shaping their family values? I’m afraid that in many cases it’s someone like Oprah, and the View or Desperate Housewives or Family Guy. The world is sending all kinds of negative messages to our younger population “If you’re not happy/satisfied your spouse, just leave! After all, you have a right to be happy”
Older men are to have six requirements. Morally and ethically these men are to be temperate, worthy of respect, and self controlled. Temperate means not to over indulge in anything- eating, drinking, or things which can be hurtful or out of balance. I have appreciated many times when an older saint has loved me by giving me words of advice that in essence say, "Let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill. When a number of younger couples moved away at the same time some sensed my discouragement and wisely said, "It's happened before and it's happened again. The work will continue". And it has. Experience helps put life in perspective and not be jumping to extremes. A wise man is one has a balanced view of life.
Older men are looked up to for leadership. They need to be worthy of that respect. Unfortunately many people tend to become increasing self-centered in later years, but Paul wanted Titus to remind them they have a lot to give and they should give it. Others need to see mature Christianity. Do not become self absorbed. Do not think retirement is an excuse for Christian inactivity. Be worthy of respect in your behavior and activity. Be self controlled. Not controlled by your lust and personal desires, but let God direct your later years.
Love is the essential quality of all believers and older men need to refrain from being cranky, opinionated, and disgruntled. Love those even who are immature and recognize they are in process too.
The idea of endurance is taking whatever obstacle Satan throws in the way we can keep pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The idea which Paul is advancing may be illustrated by an athlete who has run a cross-country race like the Vassolapet. The race is almost over. The skier is exhausted. Yet with his eyes affixed to the stand to the judges, he manages one last burst of speed and crosses the finish line. He has endured and there is now rest from the labor and reward for his effort. Don't quit.
We need some older men and women who have been married for years to step up and say, you have the right to keep your commitment/vow before God and it’s not your love that sustains your commitment, it’s your commitment that sustains your love!
We need some older women to say, we’ve had our share of problems, bigger ones than you’ve had, and more of them, but it has worked because of commitment.
Also the older women are to behave in a certain way. They are to be reverent in the way they live, not slanders or addicted to much wine. There have always been older women who drank too much and talked too much. But nothing is more impressive than a lovely woman living a life for the sake of Jesus as a servant of God.
A holy woman in tune with God will not be a slanderer. The passing on of talk that puts down others is never indicative of Christian spirit. Far too much damage is done through sins of gossip and half truths in the church than any one sin. So many people want to talk about problems they have with others to everybody but the person they should be talking to. If you have a problem with someone, either talk to them, or keep quiet about it. It isn't going to do anyone else any good and especially the church.
Police reports abound with people under the influence for many reasons. It used to be for alcohol abuse. Now, of course, one of the greatest problems is drug abuse. Many acknowledge illegal drugs as being a crime like Meth or Marijuana, but prescription drugs are also being greatly misused causes people to be over medicated to get a buzz or feel better. Passing on of pills and even misusing food and drink is something that needs to be evaluated within the Christian life and habits.
Pastor Dale
Sermon nuggets Thurs Oct 20
Verses Titus 2:4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children,5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
Teaching Commitment
How we are to live as Christians involves spirit of commitment to Christ and to one another in family and church relationships. Young women are to be taught to be in love with their husbands and children. There have always been younger women who have neglected home and children. The problem would probably be traced to boredom and or laziness. There is no question our day is different than Paul's day. We face situations that weren't the case then. Children are increasingly caught up in variety of school activities. Wives are working. Husbands have little time at home and what time the family has together is often spent in silence, or television. Family loyalties are divided as never before.
There is a need for spiritual love, emotional love, and physical love. The family is the place that is designed by God to nurture one another in pure intimacy. It is the tender care of a wife who knows Jesus Christ to be committed to caring for the home. We live in a society that seeks to re-define the family. With disruption all around stable homes are needed as never before. God's word shares the importance of Mom's place to help make that happen. Make it a priority.
Since verse 6 includes “similarly young men” it would apply that both are to be kind to be chaste, faithful to their mates.
Billions of dollars are spend on the pornography entertainment as well as addictions. If we make soft porn acceptable and call it innocent fun then what message is that giving to both young girls and young boys?
Sex sells. We learn if you are glamorous you are popular. If you are sexual you are valuable and wanted by others. If you are not, then you are a reject and unimportant. That all is a lie from Satan and it is growing in spite of all voices against female and child abuse in our society.
Has advocates of contemporary lusting and hordes of tv program and sitcoms and movies helped us to liberty or to bondage? Is Aids, S.T.D.s pornography, and rape and incest, and unwanted pregnancies, drugs, alcoholism, abortions, the kind of freedom we desires? That is not liberty. We must teach our young people the Biblical point of view before they are eternally ruined. The only way to deal with the commercialized sex is a renewal of the Bible that makes for godliness.
For young women who are not married it means that they are to behave as one who has been separated unto God until the marriage to a mate who loves God. 1,000s of teens across America are making vows of chastity recognizing that true love waits. They make commitments to God and sign statements that from this day forward they will follow God's plan of sexual abstinence until marriage. Even if men and women have been sexually promiscuous that vow stands now until marriage by the grace and deeper understanding of the forgiving love of God.
For the married couples faithfulness is required. It means refraining from methods of dress or action that would provoke lust. Never does sex outside of marriage free someone up. It has negative consequences emotionally, psychologically and physically producing deeper scars that what the world can begin to understand.
Men have a tremendous responsibility for homes, for wives, for business, for employment, for church. Young men, take serious the importance of being a father and meeting the needs God asks you to meet in the lives of your children.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Oct 21 Example
Verses Titus 2:7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Teaching by Example
How does one go about teaching and training for godliness?
People need to be controlled by the Spirit not by their own wants and tastes.
First, the teacher is not above hits teaching. To the extent that you want to produce disciples of Jesus, the teachers and leaders must also show them how a disciple of Jesus lives. In everything set for them an example by doing what is good. Ethically, spiritually, practically, a Christian leader never says, it's for you, not for me. One must model integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned.
The plan is modeling it yourself so people will see Christians live differently. The plan is to instruct people to let the spirit of God live in their lives and change them so when the live in unholy world the people will see Christ in you the hope of glory.
Part of discipleship is to pass it on to pass it on to others and to the younger generation. One of the greatest challenges in the Church of Jesus Christ has been the fallacy that you pay the professional minister to do it all. The pastor and staff certainly cannot do it all. When you have a situation where people are in different ministries then the burdens, blessings, and responsibilities are being shared. The load is being shared the many opportunities are being delegated. This has always been the New Testament principle.
Scriptures are clear those who are pastor-teachers, apostles or prophets, have the responsibility to equip people to do the work of the ministry. What do you do when people do not respond? I admit I take it much more personally than I should. You can take the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink" It is not the responsibility of the leaders to make people drink, or come to meetings or make them listen. It is not our job, if folks are not interested in doing it. But it is our job to be sure the water source is the right one and food is from above. It is our responsibility to practice what we preach. If you have no appetite for the Bible or not interested in discovering things of God, if you have no interest in seeing others come to Jesus then there is something wrong with your spiritual life. Then revival is needed in our churches and in our individual lives .
Notice how Paul is aware of different needs among different groups. Women need certain things. Men need to be taught certain things; Young people have different needs than the older people. Those who are disadvantaged (the slaves or the poor) have different way of witness and responsibilities that those who have. All have different problems. All have different interests. All have different prejudices.
In our churches it is appropriate that we have something for women, It is appropriate that we have something for seniors, and for youth. It is appropriate as we apply all of God's truth to all of God's people, but there are things that each needs to be especially aware of.
How do we teach? by modeling it, passing it on so others pass it on and train people according to their maturity and stations in life.
I was so pleased recently to hear of one of our older saints taking the initiative to getting to know one of our younger saints because they cared. I was happy to hear without program or plan of one helping another on a problem or project. It thrills my heart to hear of one member giving another food, of another loaning money for an emergency, of another caring for the children of a young family so the couple can have time away together.
The Pharisees sought to convince people they were perfect. The disciples sought to convince people that the perfect one loves them. True character begins with Jesus Christ. The greatest thing in all
Of life is knowing Him. God has begun his work in you. He doesn't stop. And best of all, people will notice if it is real. And we will be blessed of God.
Pastor Dale