Sermon Nuggets Monday Oct 10- False Teachers
Verses Titus 1:9-16
False Teachers
There is lots of news reporting last week on a pastor calling Mormonism a cult. Interestingly, fundamental Christian literature for decades have identified various popular groups as cults including Jehovah Witnesses, Armstrongism (World wide Church of God), Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Christian Science, and Scientology.
Since the 60s there have been a rash of other groups rise up from both non Christian and Christian traditions with teaching that would deviate from traditional Biblical teaching and doctrine. The more people are open to private, personal and visionary teaching the more leaders rise up and gain followings.
Christians define religious cults from a different perspective. Simply, a cult is any religious group that deviates from the fundamental teachings of the historic, Bible-based, Christian faith. There have been doctrines established in the early centuries like the Apostle’s Creed that was stated to help the church identify accepted teachings. Generally, if a religious organization follows Jesus Christ, but denies or distorts essential Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the resurrection, or salvation by grace alone, that organization is considered a cult. In addition, some add to the Bible, such as Christian Science has added “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”. The Jehovah's Witnesses have actually changed the text of the Bible to make it fit their version of doctrine. Similarly, Mormonism have “The Book of Mormon”, and “The Pearl of Great Price”. In Mormon teaching Joseph Smith had visions of further revelations and private interpretations of a book given by the angel Moroni. Interestingly, Mohammad had revelations from an angel resulting in the Koran.
Gal 1:8 says, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!”
But let me tell you some things that happen in some churches that would call themselves fundamental, Bible believing congregations. One girl aged 12 was forced to repent in front of her entire congregation for playing with dolls. The group held bonfires to encourage members to rid themselves of sinful possession that hampered their devotion to the Lord. Children were forced to throw stuffed animals and baby dolls into the fire. One woman was advised to free herself of her deceased husband's spirit by burning her wedding pictures, selling her wedding ring and disposing of their bed.
A lady named Kristi tells of being attracted to a church which illustrated a strong commitment to Jesus Christ. "Our pastor had this big thing about idolatry and the need to love Jesus Christ above anything. But the problem we mothers had was our children. Excessive devotion to children was seen as a form of idolatry, the leader called it the spirit of motherhood. I was terrified to even talk to my children or show any kind of concern for them. One time my young son fell in a race and split his head open. I knew he needed stitches, but I didn't dare suggest that he go to the hospital because I knew that if I did, it would be considered an example of the spirit of motherhood. Furthermore, as a woman, Kristi says, I could never make a suggestion like that without being labeled unsubmissive and out of line with God's chain of authority."
Cults often prey on new Christians or believers who do not understand the Bible very well. Some are enamored by strong pastoral leaders, or charismatic personalities who slowly lead people into false and oppressive doctrine. How can we tell if someone is misled?
Last week we preached on what is important in good leadership qualities. It is important to evaluate home life. Is it consistent, pure, and well managed? Secondly, evaluate the personal life- Is he overbearing, quick-tempered, drunk, violent, dishonest financially.
We wrote about evaluating his spiritual life-Does he love God and others and show kindness and balance, and discipline in areas of priorities.
But an important guideline is doctrine as understood in basic Bible interpretation, and not special revelations that give new and unusal teaching by some strong leader. A true teacher seeks to pass on God's word and show it is fully trustworthy.
As we look at false prophets from this passage Paul lists other ways they are identified.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Tues October 11
Verses: Titus 1:10 For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group.
11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-- and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
12 Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons."
Examining Character
We discussed evaluation last week on a leader’s personal qualities. The apostle Paul highlights character concerns when discussing false prophets. Certainly, refuse to follow any leader who says that wrong is right and right is wrong. Refuse to follow any teacher who personally violates the moral standards of the Bible or law, and encourages others to violate them.
According to some writings some followers of the cult leaders, Jim Jones and David Kerish, leader of the Branch Davidian, they would have defected except for three things-armed guards, lack of personal money and guilt over immoral behavior. Leaders will often redefine the morality into behavior from complete celibacy even among married couples to polygamy, multiple partners, homosexuality, fornication, adultery and all sorts of lewdness.
Jesus turned his followers from sin and to righteous living. Paul said, "Follow me- as I follow Christ." Jesus welcomed rejected men and women and then brought self-acceptance and self-respect into their lives. Let the red lights of warning flash if you have teachers who refuse to submit themselves to the authority of the Word of God.
The letter to Titus records there are rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers. They love to be heard, but refuse to submit themselves to authority of the Bible.
One pastor was told by someone his church was spiritually dead because they did not practice the speaking of tongues. Yet this person would readily lie about things. When confronted she simply justified her actions as a little white lies. What good is speaking in tongues if that same tongue consistently lies? That ignores the importance of integrity and excuses sin in her life. Talking the talking is of no value if someone does not walk the walk.
Beware of people who also draw for themselves large possessions at the expense of others. So many cult followers are struggling financially yet giving large sums of money supporting the affluent life style of the leaders. A good rule of caution is to look at way some of these religious leaders live and watch how money is spent. We've seen examples of dishonest gain of TV religious personalities. It is dishonest gain when one evangelist said publicly his followers don't care how he spends the money because everything he does is the Lord's work.
I was told by one missionary of another evangelist who came into their country flying in on private jet, staying at lavish hotels and restaurants, and driving limousine and trying to tell the crowds in his rallies to sacrifice for Jesus. Jesus didn't even have a place to lay his head. Beware of those who are in ministry for profit.
vs. 12 is a most interesting one and almost seems prejudicial in first reading. What would you say about those who live in Hollywood? They depict a lifestyle of immoral and materialistic, Hollywood is synonymous with celebrities living a life that is shallow, fast paced, party filled and sexy. What comes to your mind when you think of New Yorkers? New Yorkers are rude, abrupt, fast paced, unconcerned about others, unfriendly and argumentative. There are stereo types based on how people are treated. But not all are.
The dwellers of Crete had become notorious for their lack of morals To demonstrate the depths to which these people had fallen, Paul quoted a native of the island. The poet was Epimenides. He called them "always liars, evil beasts and lazy gluttons." What Paul is warning Titus of is these people that claim to be Christians and some in the church are following are indeed liars. They are evil in deceiving others and lazy and more concerned about their stomachs than the things of God. Be wary of talkers by examining their character.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Weds Oct 12
Verses Titus 1: 13 This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.
Examining Content
Do churches believe and teach that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ? It is a gift from God to all who believe. The place of Jesus Christ is one tell tale sign if someone is cultic or not. Many want to add to other requirements of salvation, speaking in tongues, joining a church, baptism, being circumcised. That is what was happening among Judaizers in Crete.
He tells people not to have anything to do with Jewish myths or command of those who reject the truth. He identifies people from the circumcision party. It is likely they promote observing Jewish laws and traditions to be saved, not just Jesus. There are those who twist the Gospel and add to it. When Paul preached to the Bereans he told them to check the Scriptures to see if what he was saying was true. They found his message to be consistent with the Word of God.
There are three ways that I find the use of the Bible abused. Most false teachers will strongly declare Biblical authority and quote verses and bring you to believe what they are saying is from the Word. But check it out. The first abuse is the misuse of Scripture. Many don't catch that. Satan himself quotes the Bible to Jesus in the wilderness.
Just because someone uses the Bible doesn't mean they are not false. There are many examples of people who misquote the passage to say what it really is not saying. Some make it fit what they are saying or take personal claim to be the final authority of interpretation.
One church noticed things changing when the pastor claimed to have a special heavenly vision. He told them God allowed him to experience things during his vision that no other human has ever experienced. Beware when someone says God had given them some truth that he has not given to man before. There is no other additional revelation that adds or takes from the Bible.
The second way in which the Bible is abused is what is called proof texting. That is taking verse or passage out of the context. If you are going to do a Bible study on love, or on anger, or on fear, or on finances, for instance, you must look up all the verses that speak to that issue, So understandably one will jump from verse to verse to understand all the teachings on that subject. There's nothing wrong with that. For the sake of time to make a point many will choose verse here and there and use them in appropriate ways. However some will only pick a few verses and ignore others like Satan did giving a different message.
Let me illustrate: Matt 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."(NIV) People will teach to pray for anything and God will give it if you do not doubt. But in James 4:3 adds to the teaching on prayer when it says you ask but have not because you do not ask properly, because you want to use it on your own lusts." Now we must add to that teaching of prayer which points to faith, the teaching to examine the lusts of your own hearts. Do you want what God wants? What God wanted the rich young ruler was to sell everything and follow him. One type of proof texting is taking a verse without regard to the other verses that may give partial understanding.
But there is another common method of proof texting. It is taking a verse without regard to what goes on before it or after it. Many teachers will readily read a verse without reading all that surrounds it. Politicians can be made to say absolutely anything their opponent wants them to say by quoting them out of context.
One group was teaching it was a sin to have a Christmas tree. I looked up the verse they quoted and read the chapter in the Old Testament condemning idolatry when one cuts a tree shapes the wood and puts on silver and gold and falls down and worships it God is offended. The context is clearly speaks against idol worship, not decorating trees for the Holidays, unless people think their tree is a god. Read what goes before and comes after a passage of Scripture.
Lastly, I see Scripture abused by putting lots of emphasis on a particular interpretation of a verse that is unclear and has no other verse that help explain it. Some cults will take unclear, confusing verse or passage and make that a particular truth or practice. I teach what is said clearly, plainly, and repeatedly in the Bible believe strongly. Where there is confusion or very little insight in what something means be gracious to allow for various interpretations but don’t make that a guiding principle with equal value of the rest of the Bible that is clear. That is not good Bible study. Let the passage surrounding help you understand the verse.
Evaluate the context of what people are trying to get you to believe.
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Thurs Oct 13
Verses- Titus 1: 11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-- and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.
16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
Examine the Effects
What is the effect of one's ministry? What effects are seen in those who follow a particular leader or pastor? I am not referring to the American criteria of positive ministry of large numbers and large offerings, material abundance and celebrity status or lifestyle. Notice that these false teachers on Crete were corrupting whole households, they were being divisive. They were lazy willing to live off the gifts of others without work or personal responsibility.
Does the religious leader separate families? Does he forbid contact with friends? It is typical that some controlling leaders stress isolation. They cut off people from other Christians condemning all others groups as being wrong and not even to associate with them. Such churches teach their members are the only true people of God. All other churches are corrupt and godless and have nothing to do with any of them.
One fellow Baptist confessed after he left a very strict and controlling church, "We really believed that our church was the last true church that God would use to save America. They would be made to feel guilty to visit relatives or be gone from church for a week-end or go on vacation."
Paul warns about consequences that ruin households because they steal people away from normal relationships. But Jesus said that because of him it will divide son from father and brother against brother. People will be jealous of commitments of Christ followers. When conviction of the Bible and commitment to Jesus causes others to reject us, and they will, then expect it. When people lead you into sin or temptation it is wise to change friends. But if groups are requiring you not to have contact with family or other believers they become controlling in unhealthy and divisive ways.
Many Jews when they accept Jesus as their savior, are kicked out of their families. They are rejected from them. With the exception of a few disciplinary matters, the church of Christ has its witness as it is involved in a culture, but is separate from its values. In other words, “be in the world, but not of it.”
Stay away from leaders who increase your feelings of worthlessness vulnerability and helplessness. Who can understand that extreme of leaders who command parents to kill their children and they obey a Jim Jones or David Keresh? What kind of bind does a group have on parents that refuse to let them take their children to the doctor when they are sick? Jesus, when he healed, often told people to be examined. That confirmation gave further glory to God.
Jesus never violated the will of anyone who followed him. He didn't say a word to dissuade the rich young ruler who walked away. Knowing Judas Iscariot's plan of betrayal, Jesus did not interfere with his freedom to do so. Of all men, Jesus could most easily have manipulated his followers. But He gives us freedom of our will. True faith is never coerced faith. True faith is free faith.
When you see other Christians who are divisive causing doubts, leading people in manipulative ways, evaluate the consequences of the effects they have on others. Is it focused on God and his glory or focused on guilt, manipulation, and intimidation and falsehood?
Pastor Dale
Sermon Nuggets Fri Oct 14
Verses- Titus 1:9-16
11 They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-- and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
13 This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.
15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.
16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
Examine Correction
How do people handle correction? No one like it. There are many leaders who will never take correction or ask forgiveness when it is p0inting out they were wrong. No one is always right. I am not always right. Billy Graham is not always right. The Pope is not always right. We are sinners saved by grace and are maturing in our understanding. Let your confidence of faith be centered on Jesus Christ and no one person. The value of a church body or various elders is correction. One can balance another. One gets off balance another can Biblically provide correction.
When Apollos was preaching with all his heart what he believed, he needed correction. Pricilla and Aquila sat down with him privately and opened to him further understanding. How did he take correction? With rejoicing that he would add to that which God wanted for his own growth and for others.
Did Peter need correction? He certainly did, and Paul rebuked Peter publicly because it was a public offense against the Gentile believers. He preached one thing, but when his friends, Jews from Jerusalem came to visit, Peter wouldn't eat with the Gentiles. It had to do with a major doctrine, How did Peter take correction? Peter writes later of Paul that he is not easy to understand in his letters but he is brother who as the word of the Lord. (2 Pet. 3:15,16.)
The instructions to Titus were to rebuke the false teachers and hold them accountable to the Biblical teachings. Silence them so they will not continue to teach and disrupt the church until correction is made.
Leaders also need to be accountable for their teachings and for their actions. Discipline for false doctrine, or public sin is treated differently than correction in area of one’s life or beliefs where one comes to greater understanding of the word of God or how their actions affects others if it is in a wrong spirit or out of undisciplined character.
Did Paul have to be corrected? Paul was so upset with John Mark that didn't trust to take him on a missionary journey. He fought with
Barnabas about it and they split company and had two missionary teams in two directions. Later a humbled Paul he sees how valuable Mark really was for the ministry and asks for him to come to him. Paul did not want to give him a second chance. Barnabas did.
God corrected Paul also from being too elated or proud by having a thorn in his flesh.
How is one corrected? I like the way Aquila and Pricilla did it.
They talked quietly and privately first to Apollos who responded with appreciation. But according to Matthew 18 if that didn't work then it's good to bring along witnesses or a small group to work things out. If further discussion or discipline is required then perhaps public action needs to be done. Correction also comes through proper channels if some form of discipline is required.
Being a leader is first and foremost under the authority of God not even the church body. But that does not mean he answers to no one, but together they study the Bible and seek to apply their principles and work together to give honor to the Lord, not to get one’s power or opinions accepted.
Getting along with one another is a high goal of Christian love and fellowship. But allowing cooperation to hinder the church in ungodly attitudes or doctrinal error is not something that can be ignored.
People will be upset and leave the church for various reasons and some think that is horrible. It is far worse if uncorrected behavior is allowed to affect the cause of Christ or truth. When Paul corrected Peter regarding his outward racism, God used that experience to teach that the church is inclusive of people who are not just like us, but need Christ and are called to serve together.
We are not here to promote every idea. People who are teaching falsehood especially in the church must be silenced or rebuked if they continue in beliefs or actions. There is a time the line is drawn and discipline is required, even for leadership. That line is based Biblical truth more than making others happy.
When a pastor assumes a position that is above confrontation to correction then he has assumed too high an estimate of himself.
Examine character, content, fruit, and how they respond to correction.
Pastor Dale