Thursday, March 13, 2008

Open your eyes John 4:35-38

Sermon nuggets Thur March 13, 2008

Theme- Harvest

Verses- John 4:35-38 Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." (NIV)

Open your eyes.
How do we see the things God wants us to see? That question is on my mind more.

It is obvious that there are many things right in front of our eyes that we don’t perceive as being from God, God at work, or tasks God wants to do in and through us. Jesus said things like “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Or John 9:39 Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."

The lesson on ripe fields is open your eyes. Do not wait, now is the time to reap. The harvest is all around us. People need the Lord right now and many are ready, if we only would look around us with the eyes that come from the Holy Spirit.

Part of seeing is wanting to. In your reading and in your prayers ask God to show you what He wants you to see. When you casually meet someone, get a magazine, or phone call, ask is this someone or something God wants me to respond to in a special way? If someone is on your mind could it a visit, or email, or encouraging note be something God wants to use? Maybe when you are moved hearing of floods in Ecuador, or Bibles for Egypt, or needs for the Pregnancy center, is God wanting you to send an offering? Pray about that.

Part of spiritual preparation is to be ready each day to ask God for leading in your life. It is asking God to give you courage and wisdom and obedience to obey the things you know He wants you to do. Look at the needs around you and if you do not see them, ask God to show them to you.

It grieves me and challenges me as I go to the conferences. For in the USA, I see very lots of work, but only few people who respond to the gospel. In world mission, I see lots of response but only a few workers. People are turned on, excited and churches growing. Many are being baptized in countries where it is illegal to evangelize. 1,000s are coming to Christ. More Muslims are turning to Christ than at any previous time in history because of radio, magazines, TV, and distribution of Bibles. Yet in some areas there is resistance. Japan and Native American work seems so slow to see response. But as God leads his workers there, the harvest is ripening. Sowing or reaping are both from God.

Some are waiting for the four more months when the harvest normally comes according to Jesus words. It is procrastination. The false belief of many believers; I’ve got plenty of time to witness, to work, to share, later, someday I’m going to speak to my friend about Jesus but not just now. I’ll write them a note sometime but not now.

The time for Harvest is not seen because God needs to do something in our hearts first. "Lord change me". is a prayer that is hard to pray. The Disciples could not imagine the Samaritans could be saved. You might think, "My neighbor is not ready, that person drinks, is on drugs, is living with someone not their mate. They are not ready to respond to Jesus. They have a lot of changing to do before they are ready to come to Jesus. That culture is closed to the Gospel." You might be surprised.

Or some will think they are not properly trained. But to invite someone to join you to watch the Jesus video, come to church, join you at a concert, or have him over for dinner puts people in positions to hear the story and testimony of what Jesus means to you. All people need love and acceptance; all people are looking for hope, and friendship, and belonging.

Pastor Bob Brunko said, “Our Lord is not saying that people are eagerly clamoring to be witnessed to, to be preached at or to become religious or churchy. But our Lord is saying that the needs, hunger, cravings and emptiness are still there. People are not hungering to go to church or be religious but they are hungering for Jesus."

The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will see the things that He wants us to see.

Pastor Dale