Sermon nuggets Weds. March 12, 2008
Theme – Harvest
Verses- John 4:31-35 Meanwhile his disciples urged him, "Rabbi, eat something."
32 But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about."
33 Then his disciples said to each other, "Could someone have brought him food?"
34 "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.(NIV)
The disciples returned. When they saw Jesus talking to this Samaritan woman they were surprised. She was a woman; she was of a different race and different religion. William Barkley in his commentary said, “Better that the words of the law should be burned than delivered to women.” So when she is out of the way, they get to the business of the day. Here is lunch. Come on Jesus, let’s eat.
Jesus looks at them and said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” In this statement there is, I believe, a two pronged message. Part of the message was a rebuke concerning their ignorance and short-sightedness. Jesus was informing them there are more important things than food.
Things of God are more important than eating. People will say they have no time in their busy schedules for devotions or private times with God, but they will always work in time for food. I will forget to spend time with God, but I have never forgotten to eat breakfast. That wasn’t Jesus’ way. Times with God were more important than times with physical food.
Here the time spent with this woman was more fulfilling than time than eating. Jesus was giving an invitation to discover something far more rewarding in their lives and ours. They are missing out on something greater. Food literally gives strength and nourishment and enjoyment to the body. It is satisfying and brings fellowship.
His word strengthens, sustains, and satisfies and brings fellowship of greater importance. “My food,” said Jesus “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” That is fulfilling; to be obedient to the call of God in my life. His food was obedience. That is what he craved.
Closing our world to those who are just like us is also failing to see the world as God sees it. He calls us to go to be witnesses to the world. Obedience is something that is often thought of as an obligation. Jesus saw obedience to the Father as a joy. There is ultimate joy in obeying the father because in it is our blessing. In not obeying, people don’t realize what they are missing.
Having ripened fruit is the purpose of the harvest. People are joyful when the produce comes after all that hard work and waiting. Jesus said, Look the ripened fruit is all around you. Open your eyes and look at the fields.
The disciples thought Jesus was for Israelites not Samaritans. Jesus was for the men not women. Jesus was for the Jews not the half breeds.
Jesus is indicating, look around you these people are ready now to respond to God. Sharing will increase your joy as you see eternal benefits.
Pastor Dale