Friday, March 14, 2008

Willing Workers John 4:36-38

Sermon Nuggets Fri. March 14, 2008

Theme- Harvest

Verses- John 4:36-38 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true.
38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."(NIV)

Willing Workers
To the Jew sowing was a sad and laborious time; it was the harvester that experienced joy. Jesus said this is a joy both share. You not only weed and water, but participate in the joy and gladness by seeing people respond by faith to Christ, even though not everyone is a harvester.

Will you answer the call to be faithful to the task He gives? And then realize He rewards all faithful workers. All get their wages. If we refuse we miss the gladness, we miss the joy of seeing God at work in and through us, we miss the reward. We know that it is not our own wisdom, power and insight, but God in us doing the work. That is fulfilling. It is fulfilling to see the power of the gospel at work. It is fulfilling to see others discover and grow in truth. It is fulfilling to see changed lives. It is fulfilling to realize that in our ordinary and common lives God is building His kingdom and we are part of it.

It was a good experience for me personally to be involved in the earliest stages of the planning of Ralph Bell Crusade to come into our community a number of years ago. He was an associate evangelist with Billy Graham. Joe Gillespie was the front man and organizer for the Ralph Bell team. He spent countless hours writing, riding, delivering seminars, meeting with the people going over agenda items. When the time came for the crusade Joe was not feeling well. He had a backlog of other work. He was preparing two other crusades in the future. He was tired; many nights on the road. Since his work with us was done, I asked if he was actually going to stay for the meetings. He looked at me like I was crazy. “Man, Dale, this is what I’ve been working for, now I want to see the fruit.”

So every night but one Joe was there in the background seeing people come forward and making some significant decisions for Christ in their lives. This is what we are working for. Some are sowers and workers and seldom see the harvest. Others like Bell and Graham are blessed of God to be the harvesters. They reap by preaching the Word and see people respond. They know that it is the work of the Holy spirit using many others years before to do the sowing, watering, weeding and working. It must be the Lord working through willing and obedient followers. Are you ready to let Him use you for the harvest?

None of us feel as if we do it very well. But the only evangelist you’ll ever see is a bad one who didn’t give up. Keep working the field that God gives you. Pray for more workers for the harvest.

Pastor Dale